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Cool Season Grasses: What are they?   

Cool Season grasses are the types that thrive in Autumn and SpringThey look their greenest and enjoy temperatures lower than 25 degreesThey can grow in areas that have limited sunlight, like under trees and in the shade of buildings. 



Cool Season Grass Varieties:

The most popular cool season varieties are


Cool Season Grasses: Other Info

Unlike Warm Season grasses, which yellow off in Winter in cooler states, Cool Season grasses will remain green all year long.  They can survive the summer months with irrigation, so they're a great choice if you're happy to keep watering at least a couple of times a week in the height of summer.

Sports Turf Managers use cool season grasses to oversow (renovate) their sports grounds in Autumn.  They do this to keep colour and growth at a time when warm season grasses are yellowing off.

Cool Season Grasses: Planting Tip

  • Planning to sow cool season grasses?  Make sure you keep the seeds constantly moist.  Once distributed the seeds can't be left to dry out. 
  • The peak of summer is not the time to sow cool season grasses. Spring and Autumn are ideal times. 

 Our Most Popular Cool Season Grasses and Blends: