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Sowing Seed? Use a Starter Fertiliser.

Date: 17-12-2019

A starter fertiliser has the right blend of nutrients to provide your new lawn with just what it needs.

N:P:K 5 : 6 : 6

Nitrogen (N) 4.8%

Phosphorus (P) 5.7%

Potassium (K) 5.9%

  • Phosphorus for a strong root structure
  • Potassium to build strength and resistance to disease
  • Lower Nitrogen levels for young grass (it’s green already!)

How to Use:

Apply your Starter Fertiliser to a well-prepared seedbed a couple of days prior to sowing your lawn seed or you can apply it at the same time as your seed. Rake it into the soil and water in well.

The Starter Fertiliser will stimulate root growth and provide what it needs to get your new lawn off to a good start. 

How Much?

When sowing a new lawn use 2-3 kilos of Landscape Range Starter Fertiliser for every 100m2.