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How to get Stripes in your Lawn

Date: 12-12-2024

Ever dreamed of a lawn that mirrors a perfectly striped sports fields? You're not alone! Lawn striping is the secret to that professional look. And the best part? You can achieve it right at home.

Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started.

What is Lawn Striping?

Lawn striping involves bending grass blades in opposite directions as you mow. Grass blades bent towards you appear darker, while those bent away from you look lighter. This optical illusion creates that striking striped pattern. 

Benefits of Lawn Striping

  • Enhanced Lawn Health: Striping allows grass blades to absorb sunlight evenly, promoting growth and strong root systems.
  • Prevents Uneven Growth: It minimises low spots and irregular patches, keeping your lawn uniform and pristine.

How to Achieve Lawn Stripes

  1. Get Your Lawn in Shape

Start with a well-maintained lawn.

  • Remove debris, leaves, and weeds that can interfere with mowing.
  • If your lawn has bare spots, oversow to fill them in and create a lush, even surface.
  • Aim for a healthy, dark green lawn to maximize stripe contrast.
  1. Prepare Your Tools

Sharp mower blades are non-negotiable.

  • Why? Dull blades tear the grass, leaving jagged edges that are more prone to diseases like brown patch and dollar spot.
  • A crisp, clean cut ensures the grass bends uniformly, making your stripes stand out.
  1. Sketch Out Your Stripe Plan

Decide on your stripe design in advance.

  • Map out where your lawn stripes will start and end.
  • Overlap slightly as you mow to ensure no grass is missed, maintaining consistent stripe width.
  1. Time to Mow

  • Start at the Edges: Begin mowing around the perimeter of your lawn, especially if it has an irregular shape.
  • Set Mower Height: Use the highest setting to leave the grass longer. This makes it easier to bend and creates bolder stripes.
  • Basic Stripes: Pick a straight edge and mow in a straight line. At the end, lift the mower deck, turn, and mow back in the opposite direction next to your first stripe.

Pro Tips for Perfect Stripes

  1. Mow When Dry: Wet grass won't bend properly and could clump.
  2. Change Directions: Alternate mowing directions every two to three weeks to promote even growth.
  3. Adjust Frequency: Stripe every two weeks in summer and up to every four weeks in autumn.

All the best with your striped lawn!  For professional lawn products look no further than our Great Aussie Lawns online store.

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