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Victoria: Your Autumn Lawn Seed Guide

Victoria's cooling down, making autumn's the perfect time to sow new lawn seed! But with cold weather ahead, choosing the right seed is key.

Choosing the Right Lawn Seed for Victoria's Autumn

Warm-season grasses take longer to germinate in cooler weather. For best results, opt for cool-season varieties or a blend of warm and cool-season seeds. If it's still quite warm, consistent watering is crucial – keep the soil consistently damp for optimal germination. In Victoria where it gets very cold, it's a good idea to oversow your existing Buffalo or Couch lawn with a cool-season blend.

Our top choices for Victoria:

Pro Tip: Want that bowling green look? Bentgrass seed is your answer!

Fertilising for Success

Autumn is also the ideal time to fertilise your existing lawn. You can fertilise 2x!

  • Established Lawns: Use All Seasons Fertiliser at a rate of 3kg per 100sqm.
  • New Seed: "Kickstart" Starter Fertiliser is essential for giving your new lawn the best start.

Weed Control: Pre-Emergent Power!

Don't let wintergrass ruin your beautiful new lawn! Apply a pre-emergent herbicide like Monument in autumn and again in spring to prevent it from taking hold.

Key Takeaways for a Gorgeous Lawn:

  • Timing is Key: Autumn is the prime time for sowing in Victoria.
  • Seed Selection: Choose cool-season varieties or blends.
  • Watering: Keep the soil consistently damp.
  • Fertilising: Autumn feeding is crucial.
  • Weed Control: Pre-emergent herbicides are your best defense.