ACT & NSW: Your Autumn Lawn Seed Guide
The summer heat is fading in ACT & NSW, making autumn the perfect time to sow new lawn seed! This guide breaks down everything you need to know for a lush, green lawn this season.
Choosing the Right Lawn Seed:
With cooler temperatures arriving, focus on cool-season varieties in most areas. Further north, you can still sow warm-season seeds, but ensure they have enough time to establish before winter hits.
- Defiant TTT Ryegrass
- Defiant XRE Fescue
- Drought Master Blend
- All Season Couch Blend
- All Season Kikuyu Blend
- All Winter Green Blend
- Sun and Shade Blend
- SR 4660ST Turf Perennial Ryegrass
Pro Tip: Germinating seed needs consistent moisture. Keep the soil constantly damp for strong root development. Don't let it dry out! The extra effort now means a healthier lawn later.
Fertilising for a Thriving Lawn:
Autumn is the time to fertilise! A quick and easy application replenishes vital nutrients, helping your lawn survive and thrive. A regular fertilising schedule is key to healthy lawn maintenance. Apply fertiliser at a rate of 3kg per 100sqm.
Weed Control: Pre-Emergent Protection!
Protect your new lawn from wintergrass and other turf pests by using a pre-emergent herbicide like Monument. Apply it in autumn and again in spring for best results.
Key Takeaways for a Lush Autumn Lawn:
- Timing is Right: Autumn is the ideal sowing season.
- Seed Selection: Choose cool-season varieties (or warm-season further north with enough time to establish).
- Watering: Consistent moisture is crucial for germination.
- Fertilising: Autumn feeding is essential.
- Weed Control: Pre-emergent herbicides are your best defense against wintergrass.