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Sowing Quick Tips - click below to view 

  • Prepare Soil & Use a Starter Fertiliser

    ✓ Remove debris, unwanted grasses or weeds. Ensure good drainage. Level. If soil is poor quality, add in a lawn soil from a local soil supplier.

    Apply a granular Starter Fertiliser  up to two days before sowing or on the same day and water in well.

  • Spread Seed Evenly  

    Spread seed using recommended sowing rate. 

    Rake gently to lightly cover the seed. 

    Spread seed more evenly by using a hand spreader like Earthway 3400 or a push spreader, Earthway 2600a Broadcast Spreader or our Earthway 7312 Drop Spreader



  • Watering

    Don’t let your seed dry out!  Ideally the area stays CONTINUALLY DAMP for best germination.  This can mean watering many times a day.

    Water gently so water doesn’t pool and move seed around.

  • First Mow and First Fertilise

    Cut the grass for the first time when it's around 40-50 mm high.

    Trim tips and gradually lower the blades to an ideal cutting height of 25mm.

    Mow regularly, trying not to remove more than a third of growth at any time.

    Once established and regular mowing has commenced, fertilise a minimum of four times a year. Usually twice in Autumn and twice in Spring.