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A good lawn fertiliser is an essential part of lawn care.  It's simple to apply, inexpensive and helps you create a great looking lawn.


Fertilise a minimum of four times a year.  Usually twice in Autumn and twice in Spring. This prepares your lawn for the toughest seasons, Winter and Summer.

If you have a warm season lawn (buffalo, couch, kikuyu) it will really benefit from fertilising ahead of the drop in temperature in Winter.

If you have a cool season lawn (ryegrass, fescue, bentgrass) it will really benefit from fertilising ahead of the heat and dry conditions in Summer.


  1. Work out the area of your lawn (length x width). You need around 3kgs of fertiliser for 100sqm.
  2. Apply the correct amount of fertiliser evenly to a dry lawn. Using Earthway fertiliser spreader is the best method. See our range of Earthway Spreaders here.
  3. Fertiliser needs to be watered in soon after application.  Use around 4mm of water or enough to irrigate the fertiliser prill into the thatch and off the leaf.
  4. Be careful to sweep off all hard surfaces before irrigating as products can stain.


*All our fertilisers are granular, making them simple to apply and water in.

Use our Landscape Range All Season Fertiliser (N:P:K 22:5:7) for all established lawns.  An application will last around 4-6 weeks.

Our Super Green Controlled Release Fertiliser (N:P:K 22:3:4) is for use when frequent rain or watering strips nutrients through the soil. It will provide a steady release of nitrogen over an extended period. 

For added iron look to our Professional Grade Nitro Green Iron Boost Fertiliser (N:P:K 20:0.87:2:5). Use 2.4kgs per 100sqm.

A Starter Fertiliser is essential when establishing a new lawn from seed, oversowing your existing lawn or getting your instant turf off to a good start. With a new lawn, apply a Starter Fertiliser at establishment then fertilise again approximately 4- 6 weeks after sowing.  View our Landscape Range KickStart Fertiliser (N:P:K 5:6:6) here. 

Some final tips for fertilising:

  • Where possible apply your Fertiliser in two directions, dividing your fertiliser to ensure even coverage.  
  • It’s always best to apply to a dry area then water in well once you have completed the job.  


For Established Lawns:

For new seed sowing: