Amazing Quickfeed Pasture Seed Blend 25kg
Stock Code:
20 In Stock
Offers strong rust resistance, excellent grazing and top-quality hay and silage.
- 60% Amazon T - Annual Ryegrass
- 40% Achieve - Italian Ryegrass
Amazing Quick Feed blend is a blend of Amazon T Tetraploid Annual Ryegrass and Achieve Diploid Italian Ryegrass. It has strong rust resistance, is great for grazing, and beautiful quality hay and silage. It’s a great option for over-sowing into Setaria and Kikuyu and degraded flood-affected pastures.
SIZE 25kg
Sowing Rate:
- New Sowing: 25kg/Ha
Key Features:
- Combines improved winter activity plus late season maturity to boost total feed production.
- Improved heat tolerance, can be sown early in Autumn
- Makes excellent Hay or Silage
- Excellent option for oversowing into degraded flood affected perennial pastures or oversowing into Setaria and Kikuyu
- Strong rust resistance
- Suitable for livestock: Beef, Sheep & Dairy
Sowing, Establishment & Management Tips:
- Rainfall: 450mm+
- Paddock preparations: Can be direct drilled or sown into a cultivated seedbed. Can be oversown into existing pasture sward. Cultivate seed bed if the ground is uneven.
- Sowing Rates: Dryland 15-20kg/ha, Irrigation/High Rainfall25-30kg/ha
- Sowing depth: Shallow (10-15mm), using a roller will ensure good seed-soil contact and improve germination rates.
- Weed control: A weed-free seedbed allows for better establishment results. The use of herbicides prior to sowing can alleviate competition from weeds. Speak to your local agronomist for herbicide recommendations.
- Fertiliser: The use of fertiliser at sowing will improve the establishment and yield of pasture.
- Grazing management: Pasture should not be grazed until adequately anchored (can not be pulled out easily). Ryegrass is better suited to rotational grazing, allowing plants to re-grow to the 2-3 leaf stage before grazing again.